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July 09, 2007



Hey Kevin, good to meet you today.

I think the YT as I affectionately call it will become an established online channel, but I think the give away free server space model will go away as they and every site eventually goes to a pay model, imo. It may not be much, say $1 or $2 a week maybe.

I just don't see how YouTube can support their bandwidth cost (I believe it's north of one million a month or so), without serious advertising sponsorships.

Ron (aka MarketRMan)


I know its been a while since I've commented, but I have been in the process of buying my first new piece of prime real estate...aka "a new home." Anyways, I have to agree makethelogobigger. YouTube is still in its early stages and has a lot of growing to do. Companies and politicians alike see benefits of using YouTube as a median for communication. Ultimately, this will keep it in business.

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