Unfortunately, Chris Crocker is having the "Best Week Ever" according to VH1. His pathetic (aka Psycho) video demanding that people lay off Britney Spears for her poor performance at the MTV VMA's has transcended the online world and migrated to mainstream media. Unfortunately, this is one of the negative side affects of anyone having the opportunity to grasp their 15 minutes.
My problem with Crocker's video has nothing to do with his sexuality, taste or delivery. I don't like him or his videos because of the impact they have on the gay community. Unfortunately, there are people out there who will utilize his videos to feed stereotypes. This disturbs and angers me.
My best friend in the world is gay and if anyone responded to him as most commenter's have responded to Crocker, I would be beyond angry. However, I can't support Crocker because I believe that he feeds the stereotype and uses it to his advantage. He plays it up to increase his exposure. His outrageous behavior is just feeding ignorance.
I consider myself privileged to have met unbelievable people, friends and colleagues who just happen to be gay. The impact they have on my life is so profound that I can't help but be irritated by people who feed stereotypes. I'm not saying that Crocker isn't being sincere in his video, but why the drama? I would be surprised if anyone out there didn't think that Crocker hammed it up just to generate views.
I just feel sorry for him. He seems a little messed in the head.
Did you see the Seth Green video response over at YouTube? Seth is high-larious.
(BTW, I came from Utterz. Hi.)
Posted by: PixelFish | September 17, 2007 at 03:49 PM
I totally agree with what you saying. Chris Crocker is, well, psyco. I kinda think it's stupid to film yourself going hysterical. I don't know. There's no need for that. But they are kinda funny because he just looks ridiculous. But really I just don't agree with being gay in general but that's just me and my beliefs. But Yea Chris needs help
Posted by: taylar | May 23, 2008 at 01:24 PM