John Ordover, I don't get it? What affect does have on marriage laws? Obviously, this is big news over the last two weeks, but instead of posting on it when I found it, I decided to wait and see what the fallout was.
Per the NYT Bits post, this site is, "a parody aimed at drawing attention to inconsistencies in state marriage laws. States consider it a crime for adults to have sex with minors, but they allow kids as young as 12 to get married with parental and sometime judicial permission."
So, what is John trying to accomplish? Obviously, he wants the laws changed, but which part of the law? Making sure that under aged children can't get married and instituting a national marriage law or repealing the law regarding adults having sex with minors? In all of the coverage I have seen, Ordover's goals for the site appear a little vague.
Of course, I can assume based on the NYT coverage that Ordover is trying to protect children, but the message is a bit convoluted. Unfortunately, the site is down (probably from the 10 million views it gets a day) so I can't get back on to investigate deeper, but I can't figure out what this site is influencing me on.
So there are some old, off the wall state laws on marriage. What should I do about it? Should I write my congressman? Is there a movement, or is this just sheer flame stoking?
Maybe John should stick to his nude cruises because I can't see what this site does for encouraging marriage law reform.