I've been inactive for awhile. In part, because I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again on other blogs. There were a few instances where I found people writing the exact same posts they wrote 6 months ago. It became clear to me that some of the people I read regularly were starting to show their true colors.
Too often, people find success with social media, but don't have much behind it. There are many people blogging about... well... blogging, but lack a marketing or advertising background. I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, but I've found that many people stop creating valuable content when the experience isn't there to fall back on. Before you know it, blogs become a platform for this meeting, that book, another presentation or an upcoming event. They don't really say anything.
After thinking about it, I realized that I was also guilty of this form of "creating content for the sake of creating content." So, I've spent the last few weeks reading more personal blogs. Diving deeper into the relationships that are built around bloggers who discuss life struggles and real emotion. I needed to recharge by reminding myself what makes the space powerful.
During this "alone time," I learned that I don't have time for blogs dedicated to self promotion. I felt a bit cheated in a way. Blog post after blog post about individual activities and products. For lack of a better way to say it, I was being "Interrupted." No more thought provoking discussion. Just a platform for telling an audience where you'll be next or what you'll be selling soon. It followed me to Facebook, Myspace and Twitter and I realized there was nothing "social" about this relationship.
So, is it time to branch out and look for a new perspective? Is there a new Influencer waiting in the wings that can offer thought provoking ideas? I'm taking recommendations and promise that moving forward, I'll focus a bit more on my decade of account management experience instead of the same old thing, the same old way.
Great stuff. I too feel that I am very guilty of blogging about nothing. I feel that reading through more blogs may actually help me become a better blogger. I think you post is very thought provoking and by far the most insightful and useful to date.
Posted by: Ron Coyle | November 16, 2007 at 04:01 PM
This is a really fascinating post, and captures a significant theme that seems to be emerging about the nature of 'blogging', social media and social influence. There seems to be an split developing between those who are 'into' blogging, and those that are 'about' blogging.
I have found the blogging experience to be a mix of 'intrigue', high expectations and utter banality (especially in the areas you describe) of either claims to 'WOW' insights, 'WOW' money making schemes, 'WOW' products, and 'WOW' blogging tips. Even the stuff I post sometimes leaves me having an inner voice saying 'so what!'...and I wonder if it's the realisaton that we ain't as clever interesting, knowledgeable, funny, or smart as we probably first thought that opens a very personal window onto oursleves. That is the one of the key things I feel I have learned from participating in the blog phenomonon.
As a form of social interaction it is very much in it's infancy and I'm sure many of us will revisit it over time and come to new ways of making sense of it as we go.
Posted by: reasonable robinson | November 17, 2007 at 06:31 AM