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December 18, 2007


Yianni Garcia

Great post! I was thinking about commenting with a Perez Hilton remark but then you snatched the thought right out of my head with the closing line.

I think it was mighty big of you not to post the link to this infamous mommy blogger. But I guess since you're preaching blogethics it wouldn't be appropriate after all. Specially since I would have probably ignored a tidbit or two of your teachings and commented a semi-aggressive comment on her blog. I have a mentally challenged step brother and seeing this type of insensitivity coming for a mother, from all people, hits home.

This post also remind me of the cyber bullying issue amongst the tween and teenage group.

KJ's Mom

Way to go! We should probably send Mommy blogger a link to your blog so she'd have the opportunity to have a more clear understanding of her responsibilites in making judgement comments such as these.

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