Take a look at this blog. Looks like I haven't been posting, huh? You could assume that based on the fact that there haven't been any new posts in awhile. You'd be wrong!
You see, there are several posts that have nearly made their way to the front page of this blog. Some of the are riveting (if I do say so myself). Unfortunately, you have no idea what your missing.
After I've completed these fantastic posts that will drastically improve the readership of Socially Adept, I do the appropriate thing and spell check my work. I hit the spell check button and PRESTO... the post is gone!
Rest assured, the content was created, but unfortunately not shared. We'll see if I can correct this issue. Then again... you may never even read this and the whole thing was a fruitless effort to express my issue and explanation to the world.
If you're reading this... ignore any spelling mistakes and start thinking about what those posts could have been!