I was adopted when I was only a few months old. I have no idea who my birth parents were and can't, for the life of me, remember when my parents told me. I think they just told me over and over again so that there wouldn't be any shock and I would gradually understand and learn. To all you parents of adopted children out there - this was a great technique. I never felt uncomfortable or different in anyway. In fact, if anyone ever teased me about my "birth parents not wanting me," my parent's told me to respond with, "Tell those brats that we chose you and their parents got stuck with them!"
I enjoy being adopted, but occasionally wonder what my birth parents are up to and if they wonder about me. I have no real desire to connect and have a relationship with them, but it would be interesting if there was a way to check in from time to time without any awkwardness. Then it hit me.
The rise of blogs and Social Communities act as a perfect way for me to control how far into my life I would let my birth family. Additionally, it's a great way for biological parents to communicate with adoptive parents early on for updates and check in's without actually being a part of their physical life. I wonder if this is happening already... if it's not, I think it should be.
As for me... I have no idea who my biological parents are and have no way of finding them. I was born on July 18, 1978 in Waterbury, CT so if they come looking, subscribe to my blog or add me as a friend on Myspace. It's all about baby steps.
If anyone is interested in learning more about adoption, this site has some good stories and blogs.