I have to say I am disappointed in Hill Holiday and CVS. However, because I am in the Industry, it's tough to say where the blame lies for this lackluster site. Most likely, it was CVS that scaled down the initial "community" recommendation to this destined to fail attempt.
The "For All The Ways You Care" site is just boring. Other than the chance to win $25k for contributing, I can't find much of a reason to interact. The site is supposed to be focused at women, but it's not clearly identified. The stories are way too long and there is only a text option.
So, because "I care," let me offer some advice: Photos, Audio, Video first of all. Second, let me interact with the author of the stories. Maybe I have something in common with them or just want to offer support and congratulations. Additionally, save the $25k and offer the ability to award points for participation that can be added to a consumers reward card. Believe it or not, points encourage more repeat participation than a one time chance to win $25k.
That's it for now... but contact me if you want to discuss in further detail.
Oh... and CVS.... please let someone redesign your website...it's not 1995 anymore and Studiocom is a good shop!